Association > News > News > Special Notice: Temporary Office Closure & Service Delivery Arrangement

Special Notice: Temporary Office Closure & Service Delivery Arrangement

March 24, 2020

In response to the Premier’s order of closure for all non-essential services, we have made the difficult decision to close all Hong Fook Mental Health Association Offices from March 24 to May 31th, or until further notice.

Hong Fook Mental Health Association‘s essential services, included Asian Clinic, and clinical services, continue to operate via various virtual care means. There will not be any in-person appointments. Group and community programs continue to be either suspended or moved online. Please check with respective program staff for more information.

Special Notice-Temporary Office Closure & Service Delivery Arrangement

For information and inquiry, please call us at 416-493-4242 or visit

As a primary health care provider and an essential service, HF Connecting Health Nurse Practitioner-Lead Clinic will continue to open with reduced hours: Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm. Clinic’s health providers are ready to provide telephone consultations for most healthcare needs.

For more information, please call us at 416 – 479 –7600 or visit Hong Fook Connecting Health Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic web site

For resources, please visit Hong Fook COVID -19 Resource Hub

We appreciate your understanding and support during this difficult time.

Continue to connect with Hong Fook by phone, on Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn, and Instagram!