*Clients include families, caregivers, and/or substitute decision-makers.
Hong Fook Mental Health Association’s Client Bill of Rights has been developed to acknowledge and promote respect, dignity, and worth of all individuals who access the services and programs of Hong Fook Mental Health Association. The Client Bill of Rights declares the approach that sees clients, caregivers, and families using the services and programs as equal partners in planning, developing and monitoring care. This means putting clients, caregivers, and families at the center of decision-making and seeing them as experts, working alongside the Hong Fook Mental Health Association professionals to get the best results. The clients, caregivers, families and staff of Hong Fook Mental Health Association have worked together to develop the Client Bill of Rights, and recognize that this is a “living document” that will grow and change in order to maintain flexibility to meet the unique needs of Hong Fook Mental Health Association clients, caregivers, and families in a manner that is best for them. Feedback from the Client Bill of Rights will improve the quality of the services and programs available, improve access, and help clients, caregivers, and families be more active in their care.
- Right to be involved and informed
- Right to be respected and accepted
- Right to express opinions leading to recovery
- Right to Culturally Competent Care
- Right to freedom of choice
- Right to Equity, Access and Consent
To access the full document, please contact your Mental Health Worker, Program Worker or Case Manager..