*Clients include families, caregivers, and/or substitute decision-makers.
Hong Fook Mental Health Association is committed to working with clients, caregivers and family to ensure our services and programs demonstrate a high level of quality and client and staff safety.
Safety is our first concern.
- Reach out and communicate to program staff before a crisis develops.
- Participate in the many culturally competent services, education and programs available.
- Inform staff when you will not be attending or be available for appointments.
- Provide feedback about your experiences and/or concerns.
Infection Prevention & Control (IPAC)
In order to avoid the spread of infectious disease all clients, caregivers and family must:
- Notify the case manager and/or mental health worker of the illness and stay home and/or delay and re-schedule appointment(s) until symptoms of illness is gone.
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing or into the crook of your arm. Then clean your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitizer!!
- Clean your hands before you touch or eat food, after sneezing, and after you use the washroom.
- Keep immunizations up to date. Get the Flu Shot!
- Clean your hands frequently with 70% alcohol- based hand sanitizers or warm soap and water (if visibly soiled). Hand washing is the most important defense we have against the spread of infection!
During the pandemic, clients are required to wear a face covering or mask that covers their nose and mouth when entering the office and during their appointment or program time.
For any questions or clarification, please contact your Mental Health Worker, Program Worker or Case Manager.