Taking the mental health journey together is key; you are never alone in your battle as there are many who are willing to support you on your journey to mental health wellness.
During Hong Fook’s 35th anniversary celebration, we have completed an Anniversary Book “Our Stories”, which is an extensive resource book for our clients, family members, volunteers, service partners and health care providers. The book contains 15 client stories, in both English and the languages Hong Fook serves in, the summary of the two Needs Assessment Studies Hong Fook conducted in the past few years, interviews of the psychiatrists working closely with Hong Fook, and messages from our Association President, Foundation Chair, and Executive Director. We hope this vast ranging content will guide you and others to take the mental health journey with us, moving from recovery to wellness. For the full book, please download here
Hong Fook also works closely with media partners to raise awareness and reduce stigma against mental illness in the communities. One of our partners, Minds Matter publishes the monthly magazine focusing on mental health. And you could access from here