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Clinical Services

Clinical Service

Are you 16+ and concerned about your mental health?

Do these concerns interfere with or limit your major life activities?

Have these concerns affected you for a prolonged time?


Our culturally responsive Clinical Services provide Intake, Case Management, Support within Housing, Group Psychotherapy, Ontario Structured Psychotherapy and Ontario Telemedicine Network.



Intake is the process in which intake workers help clients identify presenting issues, determine eligibility for services, and make appropriate service referrals. At Hong Fook, intake is available in the following languages:

  • Cambodian
  • Korean
  • Cantonese
  • Mandarin
  • English
  • Vietnamese

Anyone can make a phone call to speak with our language specific Intake Worker. Based on the presented information and screening done by the Intake Worker, caller or referrer will be directed to appropriate resources and support to address the identified needs.

To connect to a language specific Intake Worker, please call 416-493-4242 X 0.


Case Management

Case Management aims to connect a client and his/her family with a Case Manager who strives to understand the individual’s specific needs, reinforce collaborations with community resources, and ultimately, help our client and his/her family to walk through the recovery journey with specific goal setting strategies that focus on reflecting, planning, implementing, achieving, revising, and reflecting again.

Our Case Manager conducts assessments, develops care and safety plan with achievable goals, and provides supportive counselling to individuals and/or their families.

We provide:

  1. Assessment and care plan
  2. Information and referral
  3. Service coordination and care conference
  4. Symptom management
  5. Education and skill building
  6. Supports for daily living
  7. Supportive counselling
  8. Linguistic and cultural interpretation support
  9. Escort for medical and legal appointments
  10. Advocacy

Our Case Management service is free for everyone, although we encourage those who have alternatives to review other options if available in order to reduce the waiting time for everyone. Our services are for those who:

  • are 16 years of age and over with mental health issues or a mental illness
  • live in the City of Toronto (for those outside Toronto and have no service available in their area, we will consider their request if they agree to come to Toronto to receive service.)
  • consent voluntarily to the service

We accept referrals from individuals, families, friends, health and social service providers.

To access Case Management service, you can fill out the online application form from The Access Point (formerly Access 1) or contact their staff for services at 416-640-1934.


Toronto Community Crisis Service (TCCS) Post-Crisis Short-Term Case Management (PC-STCM)

TCCS PC-STCM aims to serve clients who have contacted TCCS recently due to a crisis situation in North York area and require further support to address their needs. The Mental Health Worker strives to understand factors leading to the crisis call and links the person with appropriate resources, identifies their strengths and develops skills to cope with adverse situation effectively.
The Mental Health Worker conducts assessments, develops safety plan, and identify specific goals with clients that can be achieved in 3-6 months. Clients may be referred to our Intensive Case Management service if longer time is needed for the recovery journey.

The PC-STCM is a free service that supports people 16 years old and above. We receive referrals directly from Canadian Mental Health Association Toronto that delivers TCCS in designated area. Our PC-STCM service is provided by Mental Health Workers covering Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin and Vietnamese languages.


Support within Housing

We help individuals and their families to access affordable and stable housing, a safe living environment, to achieve their personal recovery goals. Our service, based on the “head lease” model, enables clients to live in the community on their own or with their family. We lease the apartment / house units at a subsidized rate to our clients and their families, and provide them with case management services to support their recovery goals. Our Case Managers will help our clients navigate the health care system and link them with the social support networks that will benefit their recovery.

We provide education for our housing clients on solution focused problem solving, risk management, coping with emotions, managing mental health issues, linking to community resources, developing positive relationships and life skill training as well as additional resources and supports to those who are on their mental health recovery journey.

Our services are for those who:

  • are 16 years of age and older
  • have mental health problems
  • are ready and able to live independently
  • have income, e.g. earned income, Ontario Works, Ontario Disability Support Program, Old Age Security
  • have legal status, e.g. Permanent Resident, Canadian Citizen
  • must be willing to accept some level of support from Hong Fook and/or other mental health agencies
  • have linguistic and cultural barriers in accessing other mental health services

To access Support within Housing service, you can fill out the online application form from The Access Point (formerly Access 1) or contact their staff for services at 416-640-1934.


Group Psychotherapy

In partnership with University Health Network (UHN), we provide time limited group program for the Chinese community to improve access to psychoeducation and group psychotherapy. The program includes:

Journey to Healing: 10-session psycho-education group promoting mental health, recovery and resilience.

Integrative Behavioral Group Therapy: 12-session psychotherapy group with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Mindfulness as the three core elements of intervention.

For more information or registration, please contact your psychiatrist or clinician at Toronto Western Hospital or a Case Manager at Hong Fook.


Ontario Structured Psychotherapy Program

The Ontario Structured Psychotherapy (OSP) program provides free and convenient therapy to help individuals experiencing depression, stress, anxiety and anxiety-related conditions learn strategies and skills to improve their mental health. OSP services are based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), which is collaborative, goal focused and involves light reading and practice.

Services are offered in multiple languages and are provided in partnership with the Canadian Mental Health Association, Across Boundaries and Hong Fook Mental Health Association to individuals in York Region, South Simcoe, North York, North Etobicoke and Malton.

Local OSP services include:

  • Guided CBT-based Self-help: The BounceBack Ontario program provides telephone coaching, skill-building workshops and online videos.
  • Clinician Assisted Bibliotherapy: Participants receive weekly, 30-minute telephone sessions with a Clinician, and are guided through a gold-standard CBT self-help workbook.
  • Individual or Group Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: Participants receive weekly, one-hour sessions with a Clinician, either virtually or in person.

To sign up, complete the online self-referral form or speak to your primary care provider who can submit a referral on your behalf. Once you have signed up, you will be contacted to get started with a service that best meets your needs. If you are between the ages of 15-17, click here to sign up for the BounceBack Ontario program.