Association > Diversity and Equity in Mental Health and Addictions Conference > Equity in Action: CMHA Toronto’s Innovating Approaches to Tailoring Needs-based Mental Health Support for Immigrant and Refugee Communities

Equity in Action: CMHA Toronto’s Innovating Approaches to Tailoring Needs-based Mental Health Support for Immigrant and Refugee Communities

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Tracing The Opening Doors Project's Evolution: Exploring Its Inception, Growth, New Initiatives, Impact, and Success in Supporting migrant populations.



Marwa Ahmed (she/her), BASc, MA, Curriculum and Training Specialist, The Opening Doors Project, CMHA Toronto

Hsain Al-Shihabi (he/him), M.A Ed, Team Lead, Syrian and Newcomer Youth Mentorship Initiative, CMHA Toronto

Malaz Adam (she/her), Peer Facilitator, The Opening Doors Project, CMHA Toronto

De'Janna Mignott (she/her), Community Engagement Lead, Toronto Community Crisis Service - North West, CMHA Toronto



This session will explore the effects of the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Toronto's Opening Doors Project and its evolution. Through innovative approaches, this initiative aimed to address the unique mental health needs of immigrant and refugee communities and aid in resettlement in their new home country. The session will trace how the project evolved based on the needs of the clients they serve.

Attendees will explore the strategies employed by CMHA Toronto to tailor mental health support services to the diverse backgrounds and experiences of migrant populations. The session will emphasize the importance of culturally sensitive approaches and community engagement in effectively reaching and supporting these communities.

Through storytelling and case studies, the session will demonstrate the tangible benefits of the Opening Doors Project in improving mental health outcomes and fostering resilience among immigrant and newcomer populations. Attendees will gain insights into the challenges faced by these communities and the strategies employed by CMHA Toronto to address them.


Learning Objectives

At the end of this presentation, participants will be able to:

  1. Understand the need for cultural sensitivity in mental health support for immigrants, refugees and newcomers, and how cultural factors affect mental health.
  2. Learn about the growth and challenges of community-based mental health initiatives for immigrant and refugee communities.
  3. Develop the skill of actively listening and advocating for the specific needs and experiences of immigrant and refugee communities, to better inform the design and implementation of mental health support initiatives.
  4. Discover practical ways to promote resilience and well-being among immigrants and refugees, through collaboration and culturally competent care.