Association > Diversity and Equity in Mental Health and Addictions Conference
Diversity and Equity in Mental Health and Addictions Conference

Jointly hosted with the Society for the Study of Psychiatry and Culture, Hong Fook Mental Health Association, together with nine collaborating hospitals and community mental health agencies, hosted the biannual Diversity and Equity in Mental Health and Addictions Conference, on Friday, April 12, at the Omni King Edward Hotel, Downtown Toronto. Over 200 service partners, health professional students/trainees, and individuals with lived experience attended this full-day conference with the theme Strengthening Cultural Psychiatry Through Community Engagement, Social Connection, & Interprofessional Collaboration.
Kindly refer to the schedule below.
Conference Schedule
8:00am-8:30am | Registration, Continental Breakfast |
8:30am-9:00am | Welcome Remarks |
9:00am-10:15am | Plenary Session: Cultural Psychiatry-Reflective Insights, Emerging Trends, and Future Directions |
10:15am-10:30am | Break |
1st concurrent cycle | |
10:30am-11:45am | * Workshop: Peer-driven Means of Providing Culturally Appropriate Mental Health Care |
* Workshop: ACT for Caregivers: A Celebration of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) | |
* Workshop: Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Issues Pertaining to Senior Mental Health Care | |
* Paper Session (SSPC): Exploring Psychosis Across Cultures: Insights from Asian Diasporas | |
*Paper session (SSPC): Voices of Inclusivity and Cultural Understanding: Insights on Gender Affirmation, Sexual Orientation Disclosure, and Sociopolitical Movements in Mental Health | |
11:50am-12:50pm | Lunch |
2nd concurrent cycle | |
1:00pm-2:15pm | * Workshop: Effecting Change within a Large System: Our Experience |
* Workshop: Interconnected All Along - Collaborative Action as the Core of Hong Fook | |
* Workshop: Equity in Action: CMHA Toronto's Innovative Approaches to Tailoring Needs-based Mental Health Support for Immigrant and Refugee Communities | |
* Symposium (SSPC): Moral Injury as seen in Veterans, People from Appalachia, and Indigenous People in Vancouver | |
* Work in Progress Session (SSPC): Voices from the Margins: Exploring Diversity in Mental Health Experiences | |
2:15pm-2:30pm | Break |
3rd concurrent cycle | |
2:30pm-3:45pm | * Workshop: BIPOC Youth Mental Health Initiatives: Process and Impact |
* Workshop: Emerging Community Responses for Transgender and Gender Diverse People Experiencing Homelessness | |
* Workshop (SSPC): Facilitating a Community of Practice for First-Line Workers in Mental Health in Indigenous Contexts: Opportunities and Challenges within the Atautsikut Project in Nunavik | |
* Workshop (SSPC): Spirituality and Psychiatry: Clinical Practices that Harm and Heal | |
* Paper Session (SSPC): Insider Perspectives on Accessing, Receiving, and Delivering Mental Health Care in Cross-Cultural Contexts | |
3:45pm-4:00pm | Break |
4th concurrent cycle | |
4:00pm-5:15pm | * Workshop: A Multidisciplinary Panel on EDI Considerations in the Intersection between Spirituality/Religion and Mental Health Care across Diverse Settings |
* Workshop: Visiting Auntie’s House: Weaving Mental Wellbeing into the Fabric of Care | |
* Symposium (SSPC): Uniting to Promote Equity: Tackling Mental Health Disparities through Stakeholder-led Initiatives with Ethnoracially Minoritized Service Users | |
* Paper Session (SSPC): Building Mental Health Capacity and Social Connectedness in Nepal Using Decolonized, Interdisciplinary Approaches | |
* Trainee Case Consultation Session (SSPC) | |