Our shared vision of building multicultural communities that accept mental illness and promote mental wellness is a collaborative effort. It can begin with your donation. Take the pledge to become more aware of mental health issues and support those around you to address the silent illness that is affecting 1 in 5 Canadians.
Monthly Giving

With a committed monthly gift, you can continually impact the lives of those affected by mental illness. With a steady income stream, Hong Fook can plan ahead to accommodate ever increasing client needs. With your donations, Hong Fook was able to reach out to 50,000+ clients/participants/volunteers and offer 1300+ workshops aimed at reducing stigma and providing recovery.
Click our donation and “Take the Mental Health Journey Together.”
Major Gift

All of us honour and celebrate in different ways. Some may want to make a donation to congratulate someone on a special milestone (birthday, graduation, wedding, anniversaries, retirement, and recovery). Others may show they appreciate and respect someone (parent, friend, and teacher).
Click our donation to help those on their mental health journey.
Planned Gift

Some may want to have a lasting impact by leaving a legacy on their wills or create an endowment (funds, house, and stocks) to Hong Fook. There are a number of ways that you can begin your planned gift. The easiest way is through a gift in your will.
For inquires and required recipient information, please contact us.
Corporate Sponsorship

Corporate sponsorship enables Hong Fook to allocate additional resources to strengthen our programs and services. They can be program sponsors so that their donations can align with their corporate mandate. For example, they can specify their donations to go to youth, women or workplace wellness program. Hong Fook can recognize their donation by naming the program after the corporate sponsors. At Hong Fook, we welcome sponsors from a wide range of businesses, from multinational corporations to small businesses. We hope you can join us in our growing efforts.
Please refer to Why Donate to see who is affected and how your corporate support helps our diverse communities.
For inquiries, please contact us.

Our success also relies on individuals who are committed to community building. Hong Fook has been fortunate to have countless dedicated volunteers that have provided their expertise and services. For the Foundation, we are always looking for volunteers that can assist us with leadership, fundraising, marketing and community outreach. As a volunteer, you will learn from strong community leaders with years of experience and resources. You will also build your skills and confidence while applying your current skill sets to help us.
Please find the Volunteer Application Form here . To find out more about available volunteer positions, visit the Volunteer page, please call us at 416-493-4242 or email to volunteer@hongfook.ca