Hong Fook has grown phenomenally because of our generous donors and sponsors who dedicated their time, talents and treasures to giving back to the community. We sincerely appreciate you have chosen to support Hong Fook and embrace our vision of a multicultural community that understands mental health, accepts mental illness, and promotes mental wellness.
Since 2001, Hong Fook has received donations and sponsorships from over 1650 individuals and businesses. Every year, Hong Fook acknowledges our major donors and sponsors who have contributed more than $15,000 accumulated over the past five years.

- The New Hope Foundation
- RBC Foundation
- TD Bank Group
- Bell Canada

- JD Development Group
- Toronto Hong Kong Lions Club
- Frank and Irene Chau

- Johnson Fu
- Matthew and Judy San
- Mawer Investment Management Ltd.
- Kwong Family Charitable Gift Fund

- Peter and Elsa Chang
- Otsuka-Lundbeck
- Chu Lee Lai Chun Foundation
- Estate of Agnes Kam Fung Suen
- Applaud Realty Inc.
- Sing Tao Canada Foundation
- Cheng’s Family
- Stubbe's Precast Commercial Ltd.
- The Good Harvest Trust
- The Light Foundation
- Alex and Jeanette Tsui
- The Frank Scarpitti Charitable Foundation
- Beutel Goodman Charitable Foundation