According to Canadian Mental Health Association, one in five Canadians in any given year experiences mental health issues. The economic burden of mental illness in Canada is estimated to be over $50 billion per year. These alarming figures are a heavy burden on all of us. Hong Fook needs your support in the mental health journey from promotion to recovery, from illness to wellness.
Your donation will support the following intiatives:
Reducing Hospitalizations and ER Visits
A recent study by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health shows that Asian patients were on average much sicker by the time they got to hospital than other populations in Ontario. Culturally sensitive mental health services, particularly at earlier stages, are critical. Through the Foundation’s support, an expedited Central Intake role is created to identify client’s presenting issues, determine eligibility for services, and make appropriate referrals. In 2016, 140 more referrals accessed our Clinical Services in a timely manner compared with the previous year.
Transforming Stigma with Prevention and Promotion
From research to frontline experience, the stigma around mental illness has been consistently identified as one of the factors affecting Asian communities. Hong Fook’s Prevention and Promotion Programs promote mental health awareness through workshops, training and community events. With better support to pass on the knowledge on mental wellness, our community would work together to carry the torch in the stigma reduction mission.
Enhancing Youth Future
According to Hong Fook’s East Asian Youth Needs Assessment Study released in 2015, 19% of youth participants thought, in the past 12 months, that it would be better if they were dead at that moment, while 12% seriously considered suicide. With Foundation’s support, Hong Fook’s Youth and Family Hub provides a comfortable and safe space for youth to learn coping skills and to express their emotions in a positive way. With more funding, Hong Fook can extend the hub service model in new geographic areas and reduce the wait time for Walk-in and Short-Term Counselling Services for youth.
Ending Homelessness through Supportive Housing
It is challenging for individuals diagnosed with mental illness and their families to access affordable and stable housing. A safe living environment is critical to achieve their personal recovery goals. According to the statistics compiled by Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, only 11% of Toronto’s supportive housing stock provides high support housing to people with serious mental illness and complex needs. In 2001, Hong Fook started to subsidize 16 housing units in partnership with private landlords. With Foundation’s support, Hong Fook’s Supportive Housing Program has reached over 60 units in the past five years. Faced by an increasing rate in the rental market and limited staffing, Hong Fook needs your support in this journey of ending homelessness.
Developing Mental Wellness Champions at Workplace
Mental health conditions rank the top three causes of short-term disability at the workplace. Hong Fook delivers the workplace wellness training to companies and community organizations. The training helps employers learn about building a positive working environment, promotes a healthier and happier response from employees, which in return will improve the quality of business and services. With your support, more workplace champions will be developed in both business and non-profit sectors across Ontario.