SingTao Media – Hong Fook Fundraising Week has been a great success! With your help and generosity, we’ve raised $150,000!
Since the COVID – 19 pandemic, there is an increased demand for mental health services at Hong Fook. Back in May, UN warned that there will be a mental health crisis due to the pandemic. Now Hong Fook is only experiencing the tip of the iceberg. We’re expecting the demand for mental health services will continue to rise in the near future.
With your support, we can meet the demand for mental health services at Hong Fook and support Asian communities through the mental health crisis.
With $150,000, Hong Fook will be able to provide counselling services to more East Asian Youth and their families, provide courses and programs from Recovery College to more people living with mental health concerns, and train more mental health ambassadors to help reduce stigma of mental illness in East Asian communities.
It is with deep gratitude that we would like to thank all of the 500+ generous donors and Hong Fook supporters. Every dollar of your donation makes a difference in the lives of Hong Fook clients.
Below is the list of matching sponsors and donors who donated $1,000 +.
Matching Donors
Other Major Donors
Applaud Realty Inc.
Best Deal Graphics & Printing
Good Harvest Trust
JD Development
SingTao Foundation
TD Bank Financial Group
Toronto Hong Kong Lions Club
Anonymous (1)
Annie Hu
Chih-Ming Wang
Christina Lee
Edgar and Siena Pang
Frank Chau
Kam Lo
Le Van Duong
Ming Hin Law
Peter Chang
Peter Lee
Ramon Tam
Tide Over Program
William Cheng
Matching Donors
Applaud Realty Inc.
Best Deal Graphics & Printing
Good Harvest Trust
JD Development
SingTao Foundation
TD Bank Financial Group
Toronto Hong Kong Lions Club
Other Major Donors
Anonymous (1)
Annie Hu
Chih-Ming Wang
Christina Lee
Edgar and Siena Pang
Frank Chau
Kam Lo
Le Van Duong
Ming Hin Law
Peter Chang
Peter Lee
Ramon Tam
Tide Over Program
William Cheng