Brought back Hong Fook Gala after three years of pandemic, with almost 400 guests attended, raising over $300,000.
- Purchased an office at 3621 Highway 7 East, Markham, which has supported the Association to open up a new Markham Branch. The new location will house our Asian Youth and Family Hub and our future Counselling and Psychotherapy Centre in York Region, and will open an alternate door for Hong Fook to support the rising needs of mental health services in southern York Region with highly concentrated Asian communities.
- Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the annual Hong Fook Gala was cancelled. A series of “Together We Thrive” webinars
in partnership with Asian Community Psychiatric Clinic and a radiothon fundraising week in partnership with SingTao
Media were hosted, raising over $200,000 in net proceeds.
- Due to COVID-19 pandemic, the annual Hong Fook Gala was cancelled. A series of “Together We Thrive” webinars
- Started to participate in the annual Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Challenge, raising over
$47,000 with 47 Hong Fook runners/walkers. - Started to exceed $300,000 in fundraising every year through multiple channels, including
the Hong Fook Gala, the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Challenge and other major donations
- Started to participate in the annual Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Challenge, raising over
- In the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Association, another Hong Fook Movie Night was hosted, featuring
“Mad World”, to raise public awareness to the needs of family members and caregivers. - Introduced four levels to recognize major donors and sponsors on an annual basis and hosted donor recognition event
at the Movie Night.
- In the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Association, another Hong Fook Movie Night was hosted, featuring
- The Annual Hong Fook Golf Tournament discontinued after 2016.
- The Annual Hong Fook Gala raised over $300,000 in net proceeds for the first time.
- The 5th Annual Hong Fook Golf Tournament reached a record high, raising over $50,000 in net proceeds.
- Brought back the Annual Hong Fook Gala and successfully raised over $200,000 in net proceeds.
- Hosted Hong Fook Magical Cruise on Canada Day, in replacement of the Annual Hong Fook Gala.
- Hosted 1st Annual Hong Fook Gala in the 20th anniversary of the Association and successfully raised around $50,000
- Hosted 1st Annual Hong Fook Golf Tournament and successfully raised $5,000.
- Hong Fook Mental Health Foundation was incorporated on October 5, 2001.
- Hosted Hong Fook Movie Night featuring “Shadow Magic”, attended by over 400 people
- Hosted a Chinese Opera Fundraiser in Downtown Toronto.
- Launched 1st Hong Fook Charity Raffle, with 2,000 tickets ($5 each).
- A fundraising committee was established within the Association, aiming to secure a permanent Hong Fook location and to subsidize the programs funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and United Way.
- To celebrate the 10th anniversary of Hong Fook Mental Health Association and as a follow up of the secured charitable status in 1991, the Association started to try different fundraising initiatives in the following years, including two Film Premiere Fundraisers featuring “Pushing Hands” and “Back to Back, Face to Face” and a fundraising banquet.