June 3, 2020
Dear HF Connecting Health Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic Patients,
On June 1, 2020, the Premier announced that the declaration of the emergency order has extended till June 30, 2020.
In these challenging times, we would like to assure that your health and safety, as well as that of our healthcare providers and staff remain our top priority. HF’s management team is continuously monitoring and responding to Public Health and Ministry of Health directions related to COVID-19 pandemic.
Health and Safety
As part of our COVID-19 response plan, we are implementing the following measures at our clinic:
- Screening– all patients and guests will be screened before entering the clinic. You won’t be able to enter if you’ve travelled outside Canada in the past 14 days or had exposure to anyone positive for COVID-19.
- Booking for an appointment– each patient will receive phone screening before booking their appointment
- Visit COVID-19 Assessment Center– (can visit Scarborough Health Network- Birchmount or Centenary Site) patients who has mild symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection (cough, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, fatigue, runny nose, and joint aches, and may also include nausea, diarrhea and stomach pains); and any of the following:
- Fever of 38°C or higher
- Underlying health condition(s) of concern. Includes: cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease, cerebrovascular disease (e.g. previous stroke), hypertension, diabetes, cancer, immunosuppression, current smoking
- Age 60 years or older
- Telehealth Ontario– people who are unsure or directed by our staff. 1-866-797-0000
- Cleaning– the building property management has implemented more frequent and enhanced disinfectant cleaning. Everyone entering the clinic will be asked to use the hand sanitizers provided
- Social distancing– we won’t be shaking hands and we’ll be keeping 2 meter of distance, other than necessary physical exams. We’ll be reducing the number of people in the clinic waiting area.
- Change of Clinic Hours of Operation–
As of March 23 to December 30th, our clinic hours will be:
Monday to Friday: 8:00a.m. - 4:00p.m.
Patient care
- Our clinic providers are ready to provide telephone consultations effective on Tuesday, March 17, 2020 for your healthcare needs during COVID-19 pandemic.
- This service is also suited for those wishing for some social distancing and preferring to stay at home during current pandemic. Whenever appropriate our providers may, based on individual clinical circumstances, also provide suitable consultations on the phone.
- Please phone and make an appointment the way as usual. If and only if your appointment type is suitable for telephone consultation, we will provide you the time and date that your provider is ready to call you.
- If you’re in a higher risk group (see below) for COVID-related illness, you are likely to be suitable for telephone consultation.
- In general, if you are not coming in to the clinic, don’t cancel your appointment. Instead, please let us know and we will conduct your visit remotely-by phone.
- Please note that there are limitations to this telephone consultation service. For example, we cannot do insurance or government forms, perform procedures, give injections, do physical auscultation and examination of body parts, lumps or bumps, etc.
- Social Worker, Dietitian and Health Promoter will be provided most of your booked appointments remotely until September 7th, 2020
Higher risk individuals include:
- People > 60 years of age
- People with cardiovascular disease, chronic lung disease, cerebrovascular disease (e.g. previous stroke), hypertension, diabetes, cancer, immunosuppression, current smoking.
We urge you NOT to change any of your medications without discussing it with your nurse practitioner first.
We are grateful for your patience and understanding of these precautions. We’ll also continue to provide you with updates of any public health measures that will affect your care at HFCHNPLC.
If you do need to contact us, please call 416-479-7600.
Yours Sincerely,
Bonnie Wong, M.S.W., R.S.W.
Executive Director
HF Connecting Health Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic